In Unknown Tuscany

In Unknown Tuscany
By Edward Hutton
English Book PDF Free
A few words on the genesis of this book might seem to be called for. In the summer of 1907 I went up into Mont' Amiata, and moved by the extraordinary beauty and virility of that part of Central Italy as seen from the Mountain, I began to write down my impressions of it. Repetti's '' Dizionario,'' that best of all books on Tuscany, written some eighty years ago, the " Commentaries'' of Pio II. helped me with such historical facts as I needed, and in Barzellotti's ''David Lazzaretti" I foumd the thoughts of a native of Mont' Amiata on all that had happened in the Mountain that was his home [...]

Eight illustrations in colour By O. F. M. Ward and twenty other illustrations
English Book PDF Free
with eight illustrations in colour By O. F. M. ward and twenty other illustrations

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